Mozilla based browser for maemo

Mozilla engine integrated into N800 user interface

After many years of work, we're happy to announce a developer release of this developer preview.

What's different?

The N800 shipped with Opera 8.5 which is a web browser from 2005. It was already out of date in mid 2006. The Mozilla based browser for maemo (microb) is a current (well, one month old) build of Gecko. This is slightly bleeding edge, as Firefox 2.0 is based on a nearly 2 year old Gecko, and Firefox 3.0 will not be available for many months.

What's new in the UI?

The user interface will now show an RSS button occasionally, and the lock icon in the toolbar is now a button. [Both of these features are only supported for microb.] There should be a menu item at the bottom of the application menu that enables you to switch between engines.

What does Gecko offer?

  1. Support for web applications built after 2005.
    1. Google Maps
    2. Google Docs and Spreadsheets
    3. Google Reader
  2. Support for RSS
  3. Support for XSLT
  4. Third party addons
    1. wml

What's missing?

MicroB is configured without XUL and SVG. Cairo is included for use with <canvas>.

How can I play with these things?

  1. /usr/bin/browser --url will let you run the browser and start with a specific page.
  2. /usr/bin/browser --engine=opera will let you switch to opera.
  3. /usr/bin/browser --engine=microb will let you switch to microb.

Why can't I simply write browser in the command-line?

That's actually a bug/feature of maemo-summoner/maemo-invoker. You can patch them if you like.

How can I help?

  1. Detailed bug reports are appreciated. Please use the guided template to report bugs.
  2. Help triage bugs, search through our bug reports, suggest duplicates, attach testcases, compare with other browsers.
  3. Check to see if the problem is reported in