Introducing privacy features to users

How could a browser show its user its privacy protections?

A first run experience for a browser could introduce useful features:

Sample First Run page

Your device is able to provide your current location to web sites. We suggest you use common sense about when to disclose information, generally only give out information if you think the party to whom you're giving it is going to give you something you need based on that information, otherwise any random information should do.

The picture below is an example of how a web site can show you information based on a location: a map of the world showing a location

Note that the location bar has a globe indicator, you can use this to enable this page to see your current location.

Currently to save power and protect your privacy, a default value is being used. You can change this value at any time by clicking the location bar globe indicator.

What could happen if you click the globe indicator?

The browser could present an optionss view something like...

List my location as <...............|v> [select from map] unless I allow a site access to my current location.

The drop down can list capital cities of major countries and the detected user's current country.